We provide you best and trusted solution for your AMC exam preparation. Quality assured and tested material can increase your confidence. Agile and lazy practice can excel your time management skill.
Never under-estimate yourself, our time manager will increase your AMC exam time capabilities and virtual tutor will guide you for your mistakes.
We credit this website for providing practice with MCQs that closely resemble those found in the exams.
We provide you responsive and flexible exam preparation environment, take it easy, have a cup of tea and start your learning right now.
MCQ CAT (computer adaptive testing) examination content includes 150 multiple choice questions.You have to choose the one best answer out of given 5 options. Total time to attempt is now 3 1/2 hours. Read more
AMC Clinical examination consists of 16 stations for assessment of candidates capability to take good history, communicate effectively to the patient, do physical examination. Read more
Case development is the actual process which makes difference in the assessment and practice exams.We use high quality references based in Australia to solve recalls and make new multiple choice questions. Read more
It helps you to practice MCQ exams with proper guidance and explanation.
It lets you learn time management, provides you time customization.
Theoratical and detailed result sheet is generated after taking exam.
Evaluation with respect to others, discipline, history and reporting graphs.